Senior High Camp

July 2126, 2025

Senior High Camp is designed for high school students! They will enjoy six days of intentional worship and Bible study. Through breakout sessions, one-on-ones, personal devotions, and cabin times these students will be challenged in their spiritual lives. They will have knowledgeable pastors and mature Christians leading them throughout the week. Strong friendships from years of camping at Crystal Springs will be the highlight for many; as well as, making new friendships that will last for years to come! The crazy messy rec. games, themed banquet, and authentic worship will also be events that they will not soon forget!

The banner for the Senior High camp.

Age Ranges

9th-12th Grade


9 Square In The Air, Archery Tag, Climbing Wall, Coffee House/Snack Shack, Disc Golf, Gaga Ball, Gym (basketball, vollyball, roller skating, etc.), High Ropes Course, Horseback riding, Low Ropes Course, Paintballing, Waterfront (swimming, blob, tubing, canoes, peddle boats, kayaks)


For students completing 9-12th grade.

Registration begins at 3:00pm on Monday.

Camp concludes at 11:00am on Saturday.

What to Bring: sleeping bag/bedding, pillow, toiletries, modest swimwear, sportswear, sunscreen/bug spray, pen, notebook, & Bible, offering/spending money (a bank will be optional for each camper’s spending money), clothes that can get dirty (messy games).

Sr. High Banquet: Theme:

What NOT to Bring: cell phones (if brought, will need to be turned in at registration), iPods, iPads, MP3 players, video games, and other valuable items

Mail at Camp: Campers love to receive letters from home! You can write them ahead of time and drop the letters off during registration (on the right-hand corner, please put what day you would like the letter delivered.) If you would like to send a letter please address it as follows:

Crystal Springs Baptist Camp
Name of Camper
4848 36th St SE
Medina ND 58467


$260.00 ($10.00 late fee added after July 7, 2025)